Published: 2023-08-30

EDUCPRA: Cuba’s specialized web portal for education and training in radiological protection

Maryzury Valdés Ramos, José Francisco Manzano de Arma, Omar F. García Lima, Niurka González Rodríguez, Isis M. Fernández Gómez, Adlin López Díaz, Ailza Castro Soler, Juan Cárdenas Herrera, Gladys M. López Bejerano, Ofelia M. Fornet Rodríguez, Maidelys Rosa Rodríguez Rodríguez


Gender analysis within the nuclear applications in Cuba

Berta García Rodríguez, Ramón L. Rodríguez Cardona


25 years contributing to the development of competences in radiological protection

Ailza Castro Soler, Niurka González Rodríguez, Dayana Ramos Machado


National database of radionuclides in food

Isis M. Fernández Gómez, Maryzury Valdés Ramos


Conditioning of radium-226 disused radioactive sources

Mercedes Salgado Mojena, Niurka González Rodríguez, Juan Miguel Hernández García


Improving medical care for the diagnosis, prevention and control of endocrine diseases with the use of good practices in the determination of analytes

María de Lourdes Morera Carrillo, Ramón L Rodríguez Cardona, Gladys M. López Bejerano, Manuel S. Fernández Rondón


Applications of amniotic membranes in Cuba: experiences and perspectives

Adriana Díaz Curbelo, Dania Rodríguez Nápoles, Lisandra Morales Álvarez, Isabel M. Otero Abreu
