20 years of experience in occupational radiation protection in dosimetric calibration practice

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Niurka González Rodríguez
Gonzalo Walwyn Salas


The Center for Radiation Protection and Hygiene (CPHR) is the institution in Cuba that provides dosimetric calibration services of instruments at radiationl protection, radiotherapy, diagnostic radiology and interventionism level. This practice is developed by the Secondary Standard Dosimetric Laboratory and guarantees the metrological traceability of dose magnitudes to a Primary Standard Dosimetric Laboratory. It is carried out in compliance with a strict Radiation Protection Program designed to guarantee the radiation safety of people and the environment and to obtain the Operating License established in the national regulatory framework.

The radiation protection program includes the necessary provisions to ensure the radiation protection of people while working with ionizing radiation sources. The safety of the personnel is one of the key elements of the program and is based on requirements such as radiological control both individually and of the workplaces, the design of the facilities, operational and safety procedures and inventory control, among other aspects that have allowed compliance with the annual dose constraints imposed by the Regulatory Authority for this category of exposed personnel.

This paper presents the experiences in the application of these requirements for more than 20 years.

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How to Cite
González Rodríguez, N., & Walwyn Salas, G. (1). 20 years of experience in occupational radiation protection in dosimetric calibration practice. Nucleus, (74), 23-26. Retrieved from http://nucleus.cubaenergia.cu/index.php/nucleus/article/view/795
Panorama Nuclear


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