Heavy metal and natural radionuclide levels in urban soils from Cienfuegos city, Cuba

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Oscar Díaz Rizo
Eduardo Quintana Miranda
Carlos M. Alonso Hernández


Concentrations of heavy metals and natural radionuclides in topsoil (0-10cm) from Cienfuegos city, Cuba, were determined by using X-ray fluorescence analysis and gamma ray spectrometry, respectively. The measured results of heavy metals show that the mean concentrations of Ni, Cu, Zn and Pb in the studied soil samples are higher than their corresponding background values. The calculated results of integrated pollution index of heavy metals indicate that the studied soils present severely heavy metal contamination. The concentrations of , and in the studied soil samples range from 8.3 to 32.7, 3.7 to 10.7 and 129 to 356 with an average of 22.6, 6.3 and 272 , respectively, which are similar than the average concentrations reported for South-central Cuban soils. The air absorbed dose rate and the annual effective dose equivalent received by the local residents due to the natural radionuclides in soil are lesser than the worldwide established limits. A significantly positive -Cu and -Zn correlations were determined, indicating the possible existence of a source of pollution due to the presence of these elements in the area.

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How to Cite
Díaz Rizo, O., Quintana Miranda, E., & Alonso Hernández, C. M. (1). Heavy metal and natural radionuclide levels in urban soils from Cienfuegos city, Cuba. Nucleus, (54). Retrieved from http://nucleus.cubaenergia.cu/index.php/nucleus/article/view/586
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