Assessment of historical heavy metal content in healing muds from San Diego river (Cuba) using nuclear analytical techniques

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Oscar Díaz Rizo
Alina Gelen Rudnikas
Katia D´Alessandro Rodríguez


Behavior of heavy metals (Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn and Pb) content in -dated healing mud profiles from San Diego river outlet (western Cuba) has been studied using X-ray fluorescence analysis. Iron-normalized enrichment factors indicate the Co, Ni, Cu and Zn natural origin (Enrichment Factor » 1), reflecting a low anthropogenic impact to the area in the last 100 years. A minor lead enrichment (EF = 2) in the last few decades was determined. The heavy metal levels in most recent mud (0-5 cm, on dry weight) were: Co = 18 ± 2, Ni = 62 ± 8, Cu = 52 ± 2, Zn = 72 ± 4 and Pb = 28 ± 2. The comparison with reported Earth’s upper crust average shales and muds, and with data reported for different muds used for medical purposes shows that heavy metal content in San Diego River mud is suitable for its use with therapeutic purposes.

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How to Cite
Díaz Rizo, O., Gelen Rudnikas, A., & D´Alessandro RodríguezK. (1). Assessment of historical heavy metal content in healing muds from San Diego river (Cuba) using nuclear analytical techniques. Nucleus, (53). Retrieved from
Ciencias Nucleares


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