Risk analysis in the production of freeze-dried kits for technetium-99m labeling of monoclonal antibodies

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Anaís Prats Capote
Zayda Amador Balbona
Jorge Cruz Arencibia
Alejandro Alberti Ramírez
Gracys García González
Marilin Castro Isaac
Marilin Castro Isaac
Karina Suárez Beyres
Amed Cruz Morales
Alejandro Perera Pintado
Rolando Serra Águila
Madian Pino Peraza
René Leyva Montaña


The obtainment of the Sanitary License for Pharmaceutical Operations requires the risks analysis of quality in the manufacturing process of each product. The main aim of the present work was to apply this evaluation to the production process of freeze-dried kit for labeling with Technetium-99m of monoclonal antibodies, which are developed in the Isotope Center. The failure modes and effects analysis technique and the Cuban code SECURE-MR-FMEA version 3.0 were used. The lifting of the sub-processes, stages and failure modes was carried out through brainstorming. A task group of experts reconciled their results and determined the most influential causes. The model consists of ten sub-processes, 28 stages, and 40 failure modes. Of the 98 possible combinations, 39 Sub-Process-Stage-Failure Mode-Cause ones were identified, with a risk priority number (RPN) ≥100 and a severity index (ISev) ≥7. The most contributing sub-processes were: manufacturing, conditioning and sanitizing of the clean area, preparation of glassware and materials, and the obtaining of the water for injection. The most important causes were: qualification and training of the staff; non-compliance with practices, protocols, procedures or standards; and the use of qualified equipment. The results of the sensitivity analysis showed that the solution of these causes makes possible a significant reduction of the risks of the manufacture process and, thus, contributes the compliance with good manufacturing practices, with the priority of actions and resources in these directions.

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How to Cite
Prats Capote, A., Amador Balbona, Z., Cruz Arencibia, J., Alberti Ramírez, A., García González, G., Castro Isaac, M., Castro Isaac, M., Suárez Beyres, K., Cruz Morales, A., Perera Pintado, A., Serra Águila, R., Pino Peraza, M., & Leyva Montaña, R. (2022). Risk analysis in the production of freeze-dried kits for technetium-99m labeling of monoclonal antibodies. Nucleus, (70). Retrieved from http://nucleus.cubaenergia.cu/index.php/nucleus/article/view/751
Ciencias Nucleares


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