Application of irradiation technology in Cuba. Present and perspectives

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Enrique Fco. Prieto Miranda
Armando Chávez Ardanza
Damaris Moreno Álvarez
Ramón Rodríguez Cardona
Bárbara Pérez Rivero


The present paper deals with the evolution of radiation processing in Cuba, its main scientific results and impact up to now and the perspectives of these applications, as well as the recovery of the irradiation capacities existing in the country, the radiation process control, quality management in the mentioned radiation process and the established regulatory aspects.

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How to Cite
Prieto Miranda, E. F., Chávez Ardanza, A., Moreno Álvarez, D., Rodríguez Cardona, R., & Pérez Rivero, B. (2019). Application of irradiation technology in Cuba. Present and perspectives. Nucleus, (66), 1-6. Retrieved from
Panorama Nuclear


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