Regulatory policy for the prevention, detection, and response before events involving orphan sources

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Yamil López Forteza
Pablo F. Jerez Veguería


Violation of safety and security requirements when dealing with radioactive materials has generally led to their loss, theft, or abandon, and subsequently to their possible improper use and the occurrence of accidents that have jeopardized people’s safety. The fact of working on the prevention of these events has become a challenge to the regulatory authorities. The Cuban regulatory authority pursuant to the international approach on this matter has developed a national strategy related to, mainly, the accountability and stiff control of radioactive sources; and detection and recovery of orphan sources as well as their storage and controlled evacuation. The present paper shows the current policy drafted by the Regulatory Authority and the actions taken. As a conclusion, it also shows the level of safety reached in Cuba in relation to the treatment provide to the orphan sources.

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How to Cite
López Forteza, Y., & Jerez Veguería, P. F. (1). Regulatory policy for the prevention, detection, and response before events involving orphan sources. Nucleus, (39). Retrieved from
Ámbito Regulatorio


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