The nuclear issue in the cuban press. Challenges and realities

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Marta Contreras Izquierdo
Ingrids Rodríguez Guerra
Iosbel González Montoto
Manuel Fernández Rondón


The work presents an analysis of the impact of nuclear issue on the Cuban press from 1990 to 2005 that was carried out by a group of communications specialists from nuclear area. An analysis of main challenges and actions of this group aimed at informing the public the present situation of the Cuban nuclear programme and its perspectives, was also ¡ncluded.

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How to Cite
Contreras Izquierdo, M., Rodríguez Guerra, I., González Montoto, I., & Fernández Rondón, M. (1). The nuclear issue in the cuban press. Challenges and realities. Nucleus, (38), 5. Retrieved from
Panorama Nuclear


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