Applications of amniotic membranes in Cuba: experiences and perspectives

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Adriana Díaz Curbelo
Dania Rodríguez Nápoles
Lisandra Morales Álvarez
Isabel M. Otero Abreu


The healing, pain relieving effect and antimicrobial properties of amnion grafts have been reported in the scientific literature since the beginning of the 20thcentury. Amniotic membrane (AM) is ideal for clinical and advanced therapies. It facilitates the growth, adhesion, differentiation, and migration of epithelial cells. It is an ideal biocompatible, biological scaffold for regenerative medicine applications and advances therapies.

A validated methodology for the production of radio sterilized amniotic membrane as a medical device has been implemented at the Centre for Applied Technologies and Nuclear Development (CEADEN) for more than 20 years. According to actual Cuban standards, this product is a class III medical devise, because of its origin. It has-been employed in several ophthalmological and dermatological pathologies, with promising results. Due to its outstanding properties, AM is highly in demand, allowing a faster recovery of patients. In addition, it is relatively easy to obtain with low-cost production, transforming it into a valuable alternative to other products. Recently, CEADEN participated in project supported by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) focused on scaffolds and tissue engineering. In addition, it is developing a research project financed by the Agency for Nuclear Energy and Advanced Technologies (AENTA) with the aim of obtain and apply AM as a biocompatible scaffold.

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How to Cite
Díaz Curbelo, A., Rodríguez Nápoles, D., Morales Álvarez, L., & Otero Abreu, I. M. (1). Applications of amniotic membranes in Cuba: experiences and perspectives. Nucleus, (74), 40-46. Retrieved from
Ciencias Nucleares


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