Improving medical care for the diagnosis, prevention and control of endocrine diseases with the use of good practices in the determination of analytes

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María de Lourdes Morera Carrillo
Ramón L Rodríguez Cardona
Gladys M. López Bejerano
Manuel S. Fernández Rondón


The work shows compliance with the concept of quality, of the World Health Organization (WHO), by implementing and using the "Good Practices", (which are supported and harmonized with the International Standard NC-ISO15189: 2016), its particularities, general requirements, the immediate and long-term benefits that they represent, for its three fundamental actors, patient, doctor and analyst.

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How to Cite
Morera Carrillo, M. de L., Rodríguez Cardona, R. L., López Bejerano, G. M., & Fernández Rondón, M. S. (1). Improving medical care for the diagnosis, prevention and control of endocrine diseases with the use of good practices in the determination of analytes. Nucleus, (74), 37-39. Retrieved from
Ciencias Nucleares


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