Criteria to recognize an expert in science and technology for the nuclear sector

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Lidia Lauren Elías Hardy


Nowadays, the preservation of knowledge for the future generations is one of the problems in the world because the information is increasing fast as a result of the development of science and technology. In the case of the nuclear activity, the scientific and technological accumulated experiences should be preserved taking into consideration the new applications of the nuclear energy in different sectors of the human activity. For this, it is necessary to know the experts who work on different topics. This paper presents a performed study to obtain criterions from Cuban nuclear professionals about the conditions and principles to take into consideration for the selection of an expert in nuclear sciences and technologies. Appling Delphi method, it was obtained that years of experience, publications, participation in scientific events and scientific degree are more accepted criterions.

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How to Cite
Elías Hardy, L. L. (1). Criteria to recognize an expert in science and technology for the nuclear sector . Nucleus, (74), 17-22. Retrieved from
Panorama Nuclear


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