Application of the risk matrix methodology in the safety analysis of the practice of radiotracers in the industry

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Niurka González Rodríguez
Isis Ma. Fernández Gómez
Eduardo A. Capote Ferrera
Milagros Derivet Zarzábal



The use of substances to diagnose or identify a system specific phase, that is, which function as tracers, is an effective tool in the study of multiple phenomena. There are several kinds of tracers and, within them, radioactive tracers are the most sensitive and used for the study and online diagnosis of many systems, hence their use in industrial processes has an extensive use.

However, an authorization from the National Regulatory Body is necessary to use radioactive sources. The safety assessment, the radiation protection program, operational and safety procedures as well as the emergency plan were prepared and presented to the Regulatory Body to apply for authorization.

The safety assessment includes the dose estimations for normal operations and potential doses in accidental situations. The safety analysis used the methodology of risk matrixes. As a result, it was obtained that the doses under normal operating conditions comply with the annual limits for occupationally exposed workers and for the public, while the risk levels are predominantly low, so it was concluded that it is possible to carry out the practice under adequate security conditions and the CPHR obtained the operating license.

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How to Cite
González Rodríguez, N., Fernández Gómez, I. M., Capote Ferrera, E. A., & Derivet Zarzábal, M. (2022). Application of the risk matrix methodology in the safety analysis of the practice of radiotracers in the industry. Nucleus, (70). Retrieved from
Ciencias Nucleares


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