Radiation protection programs for diagnostic radiology. Contribution to the strengthening of safety

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Ailza Castro Soler
Niurka González Rodríguez
Dayana Ramos Machado
José A. Tamayo García



The improvement of the Health System in Cuba from 1996 to the present, characterized by technological renovation and modernization; has allowed the introduction and development of innovative studies in diagnostic radiology (including dental) and interventional procedures guided by images. However, the benefit associated with the use of ionizing radiation has also led to an increase in doses and radiological risk for occupationally exposed workers, patients and members of the public. Therefore, the practice of diagnostic radiology should be carried out with high standards of radiation protection and safety culture.

There are regulatory documents issued by the Ministry of Public Health wish establish the general precepts for the authorization of the practice of diagnostic radiology. However, the radiological protection programs have not been adequately developed and established in the institutions of the country where this practice has been implemented, and the application processes for the corresponding authorizations has not been organized.

In order to develop Radiation Protection Programs for the practice of medical radiodiagnosis, we worked in two reference centers of our health system, where have been performed complex diagnostic and interventional procederes. Taking into account the magnitude of the risk associated with the development of the practice in each one of them, the procedures, instructions, records and the responsibilities of the personnel were established. The results obtained have contributed to the strengthening of the radiation protection and safety of the practice in both institutions where the programs have been implemented. They have started the process to obtain the Institutional Licenses, constituting the first experience in our country.

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How to Cite
Castro Soler, A., González Rodríguez, N., Ramos Machado, D., & Tamayo García, J. A. (2022). Radiation protection programs for diagnostic radiology. Contribution to the strengthening of safety. Nucleus, (70). Retrieved from http://nucleus.cubaenergia.cu/index.php/nucleus/article/view/740
Ciencias Nucleares
Author Biography

Niurka González Rodríguez, Centro de Protección e Higiene de las Radiaciones, La Habana, Cuba




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