Design of radiation protection courses for operators of industrial practices

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Niurka González Rodríguez
Isis Ma. Fernández Gómez
Mercedes Salgado Mojena
Dayana Ramos Machado



The use of ionizing radiation provides benefits in medicine, industry and research and in its application, radiological risks must be minimized, for which safety requirements are established, one of which is to achieve adequate training of personnel, which constitutes an important barrier against the occurrence of adverse events.

The specific national guidelines for industrial practices establish the requirements for training in radiation protection for the different occupational categories. However, even though there were previous experiences in the implementation of courses for this purpose, there was no defined and structured program for the category “operator”. In this sense, courses were designed for the practices of industrial radiography, nuclear gauges, industrial irradiation and the use of fixed X-ray equipment.

The design includes the characteristics and the program of the course, the description of compliance with the radiological protection requirements and the estimated dose that the participants are expected to receive in the case of the use of ionizing radiation sources in the practical activities, evaluation system and formats for certificate, registration form and participant and attendance data records.

This design will allow the harmonization of the knowledge that is transmitted to the participants, thus allowing to comply the regulatory requirements.

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How to Cite
González Rodríguez, N., Fernández Gómez , I. M., Salgado Mojena, M., & Ramos Machado, D. (2022). Design of radiation protection courses for operators of industrial practices. Nucleus, (70). Retrieved from
Panorama Nuclear


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