Status of academic training in radiation protection issues at InSTEC-UH: achievements and challenges

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Alina Gelen Rudnikas
Amaya Ofelia Casanova Díaz
Adlín López Díaz
Oscar Díaz Rizo
Antonio Torres Valle
Rodolfo Alfonso Laguardia
Lidia Lauren Elías Hardy


The Instituto Superior de Tecnologías y Ciencias Aplicadas of the University of Havana, in collaboration with other Cuban institutions, has been developing a solid work for 40 years, in order to establish and improve undergraduate and postgraduate programs of academic formation with high quality, that include courses of radiation protection. The present work makes a comprehensive evaluation of the registered pass and present undergraduate and postgraduate programs with the objective of analyze their correspondence with the necessities of the country, the national and international recommendations in the radiation protection training, the achievements and deficiencies found in its development and the potentialities for the future. The programs of the three nuclear careers have solid and sufficient content to satisfy the minimum required by the regulatory authorities as a basic radiation protection course. The institute has also postgraduate academic figures that play a vital role in the training of experts in radiation protection.

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How to Cite
Gelen Rudnikas, A., Casanova Díaz, A. O., López Díaz, A., Díaz Rizo, O., Torres Valle, A., Alfonso Laguardia, R., & Elías Hardy, L. L. (2021). Status of academic training in radiation protection issues at InSTEC-UH: achievements and challenges. Nucleus, (69). Retrieved from
Panorama Nuclear


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