35 years of ARCAL and 500 of Havan

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Marta Contreras Izquierdo


In 2019, Cuba assumed the presidency of the Regional Cooperative Agreement for the Promotion of Nuclear Science and Technology in Latin America and the Caribbean (ARCAL). This event coincides with the 35th anniversary of the Agreement and the 500 years of Havana. The article presents the main impacts of ARCAL in Cuba and an overview of the activities carried out to celebrate the anniversary of ARCAL in the framework of the festivities for the half millennium of the capital.

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How to Cite
Contreras Izquierdo, M. (2019). 35 years of ARCAL and 500 of Havan. Nucleus, (66), 72-74. Retrieved from http://nucleus.cubaenergia.cu/index.php/nucleus/article/view/695
Panorama Nuclear


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