InSTEC: 35 years educating professionals

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Bárbara Garea Moreda
Daniel Codorniu Pujals
Rosalina Ramos Ros
Lauren Elías Hardy


Within the framework of conmemorating the 35th anniversary of the Higher Institute of Technology and Applied Sciences a synthesis of the main results of this center is presented. This includes the academic preparation of professionals, as well as their postgraduate, research and university extension courses and activities, with emphasis on the most recent years. At the end of the paper the perspectives of the institution are described in correspondence with the strategy outlined for the cuban higher education.

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How to Cite
Garea Moreda, B., Codorniu Pujals, D., Ramos Ros, R., & Elías Hardy, L. (1). InSTEC: 35 years educating professionals. Nucleus, (58). Retrieved from
Panorama Nuclear


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