Accurate model of photon beams as a tool for commissioning and quality assurance of treatment planning calculations

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Haydee M. Linares Rosales
Elier Lara Mas
Rodolfo Alfonso Laguardia


Simulation of a linear accelerator (linac) head requires determining the parameters that characterize the primary electron beam striking on the target which is a step that plays a vital role in the accuracy of Monte Carlo calculations. In this work, the commissioning of photon beams (6 MV and 15 MV) of an Elekta Precise accelerator, using the Monte Carlo code EGSnrc, was performed. The influence of the primary electron beam characteristics on the absorbed dose distribution for two photon qualities was studied. Using different combinations of mean energy and radial FWHM of the primary electron beam, deposited doses were calculated in a water phantom, for different field sizes. Based on the deposited dose in the phantom, depth dose curves and lateral dose profiles were constructed and compared with experimental values measured in an arrangement similar to the simulation. Taking into account the main differences between calculations and measurements, an acceptability criteria based on confidence limits was implemented. As expected, the lateral dose profiles for small field sizes were strongly infl uenced by the radial distribution (FWHM). The combinations of energy/FWHM that best reproduced the experimental results were used to generate the phase spaces, in order to obtain a model with the motorized wedge included and to calculate output factors. A good agreement was obtained between simulations and measurements for a wide range of fi eld sizes , being all the results found within the range of tolerance.

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How to Cite
Linares Rosales, H. M., Lara Mas, E., & Alfonso Laguardia, R. (1). Accurate model of photon beams as a tool for commissioning and quality assurance of treatment planning calculations. Nucleus, (57). Retrieved from
Ciencias Nucleares


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