Metrological assurance during production and application of radiopharmaceutical

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Aerulio Tulio Hernández Rivero


The paper presents the main achievements of the Department of Radionuclide Metrology at the Isotope Centre, concerning the establishment of measurement standards of the activity (Bq) of gamma and beta emitting radionuclides, as well as the dissemination of the unit to end users. It highlights the participation of the department in the last five years in key and supplementary comparisons organized in the frame of the regional Euro-Asian Cooperation of National Metrological Institutes and bilateral inter-laboratory comparisons, as well as in proficiency tests organized by International Atomic Energy Agency. It provides information about the importance of international recognition achieved, and the calibration and measurement capabilities of the department through its inclusion in Annex C of the database of key comparisons of the International Bureau of Weights and Measures. Current projects that are being implemented as basic elements for metrological assurance essential to foreseeable developments in nuclear medicine and radiation therapy with unsealed sources are identified.

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Hernández Rivero, A. T. (1). Metrological assurance during production and application of radiopharmaceutical. Nucleus, (52). Retrieved from
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