Monte Carlo calculation of carbon atom displacement damage in c60 fullerene bulk materials irradiated with gamma rays

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Antonio Leyva Fabelo
Ibrahin Piñera Hernández
Diana Leyva Pernía
Carlos M. Cruz Inclán
Yamiel Abreu Alfonso


The displacement per carbon atom cross-sections behaviors with the secondary electron and positron kinetic energy for spherical fullerene C60 molecules are calculated. To accomplish this, the McKinley–Feshbach approach and the Kinchin-Pease approximation were taking into account, using two different displacement threshold energies. The total displacements per atom number generated indirectly by the photons in bulk samples composed of C60 fullerenes is also calculated. Besides, the behaviors of secondary particles contributions with the used displacement threshold energies and incident photon energies are determined. The in-depth distribution of electron and positron contributions and their relationship with the total displacements number are presented and debated. It was found that the positrons contribution to the total atom displacements number is very significant in processes involving the interaction of gamma quanta with energy up to 100 MeV in C60 fullerenes bulk samples.

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How to Cite
Leyva Fabelo, A., Piñera Hernández, I., Leyva Pernía, D., Cruz Inclán, C. M., & Abreu Alfonso, Y. (1). Monte Carlo calculation of carbon atom displacement damage in c60 fullerene bulk materials irradiated with gamma rays. Nucleus, (51). Retrieved from
Ciencias Nucleares


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