Monitoring for the determination of the content of isotopes in precipitations

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Orlando Domínguez Ley
Enma O. Ramos Viltre
Miguel Prendes Alonso
Dolores Alonso Abad
Celia A Caveda Ramos


The west station of the National Radiological Environmental Surveillance Network placed in the Center of Radiation Protection and Hygiene belongs to the Global Network of Isotopes in Precipitation since March 2002. The isotopic information obtained from the analysis of the samples of monthly monitored precipitation (oxygen- 18, deuterium and tritium) are stored in a data base available in Internet. It was necessary the addition of meteorological variables on surfaces to the monitoring in the station for the acceptance in this Global Network. A software was also developed which calculates water tension vapor from the humidity and temperature values. The recently published results, obtained in 2002 are in the range of reported values for these isotopes in Caribbean region.

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How to Cite
Domínguez Ley, O., Ramos Viltre, E. O., Prendes Alonso, M., Alonso Abad, D., & Caveda Ramos, C. A. (1). Monitoring for the determination of the content of isotopes in precipitations. Nucleus, (39). Retrieved from
Panorama Nuclear


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