CT scatters correction impact on quantification of 131I activity in thyroid studies using SPECT/CT hybrid equipment

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Katlyn Machado López
Adlin López Díaz
Yalaina Robaina León
Juan Miguel Martín Escuela
Viviana M. Fernández Rodríguez


Hyperthyroidism is one of the most frequent MN treatments; however, quantification of 131I activity in thyroid using Single Photon Computer Tomography (SPECT) and combined with Computer Tomography (SPECT/CT techniques has almost no bibliographic history. This work studied the impact on 131I activity accuracy quantification of scatter corrections using CT information. Three sources of known activity were used for the calibration process (1.06 MBq 2.61 MBq and 4.66 MBq) with a typical uncertainty of 2.4 % and the classic thyroid phantom. The calibration factors and their uncertainty were calculated for each case. To analyze the accuracy of the system, a set of 11 sources (with activities between 1.37 MBq-3.92 MBq) were calculated and the uncertainty was estimated in each case. The relative discrepancies of the calculated activity versus reference were compared (p<0.05). The lowest average discrepancy resulted was 3 % (from 5 to 7 %) corresponding with any correction using CT. The uncertainties were found in the range of 9 to 11 %, being consistent with the discrepancies already found. Conclusions: The corrections of attenuation and dispersion by MC using CT information did not improve the 131I activity quantification accuracy in the geometry of classical thyroid phantom; although it is recommended to expand the range of masses of the thyroid to better represent the wide specific patient clinical situation and confirm these results.

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How to Cite
Machado López , K., López Díaz, A., Robaina León, Y., Martín Escuela, J. M., & Fernández Rodríguez, V. M. (1). CT scatters correction impact on quantification of 131I activity in thyroid studies using SPECT/CT hybrid equipment. Nucleus, (72), 35-39. Retrieved from http://nucleus.cubaenergia.cu/index.php/nucleus/article/view/772
Ciencias Nucleares


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