Feasibility of risk assessment in inspection and enforcement activity in cobalt therapy

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Ofelia M. Fornet Rodríguez
Francisco Pérez González
Antonio Torres Valle
María del C. Sánchez Pérez


The main objective of the present work was to assess the increased radiological risk due to the deficiencies detected during the regulatory inspections of Cobaltotherapy services. The method used was the Risk Matrix, developed by the Ibero-American Forum of Regulatory Bodies, through which the relationship of the deficiencies found with the deterioration of the barriers and frequency and consequences reductors described in the practice risk model was studied. As a result of the work, the heterogeneous contribution of the deficiencies was found in a considerable number of initiating events of the stated model. The analysis carried out demonstrates the feasibility of applying this method in evaluating the impact of the deficiencies detected, as well as its support in the grouping of the recommended coercive actions to compensate those deficiencies with the greatest impact on the general state of the security of the service. Risk monitoring, based on the impact of defense measures as a consequence of the impact of deficiencies detected during regulatory inspections, is a useful resource for the inspector, who finds in it a scientific support that relates the regulations to be applied with the computerized code capabilities based on risk matrix. This makes it possible to optimize decision-making, which is important, both for the inspector and for the regulated entity. The use of the suggested methodology would make it possible to reduce the dependence on the inspector's expertise during inspections, a criterion that has traditionally prevailed in this activity.

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How to Cite
Fornet Rodríguez, O. M., Pérez González, F., Torres Valle, A., & Sánchez Pérez, M. del C. (2022). Feasibility of risk assessment in inspection and enforcement activity in cobalt therapy. Nucleus, (70). Retrieved from http://nucleus.cubaenergia.cu/index.php/nucleus/article/view/750
Ciencias Nucleares


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