Integration of the nuclear analytical techniques for the characterization of Cuban peloids. Case of study: San Diego de los Baños

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Margaret Suárez Muñoz
Oscar Díaz Rizo
Patricia González Hernández
Clara Melián Rodríguez
Alina Gelen Rudnikas
Cristina Díaz López
Aurora Pérez-Gramatges
Nadia Martínez-Villegas
Josiel de Jesús Barros Cossio
Wael Badawy
Marina Frontasieva
Keila Isaac Olive
Rebeca Hernández Díaz


Peloids are natural products (sediments) used in the medical treatment of different pathologies and due to its use in humans, the chemical characterization has become of great importance to establish the presence of elements or compounds with biological action to support its therapeutic use and to control their quality for therapeutic purposes. In this work, are shown the main results of the integrated application of the nuclear analytical techniques in the characterization of Cuban peloids exemplified through the case of study of San Diego de los Baños peloid. The use of nuclear analytical techniques for the characterization San Diego de los Baños peloid has allowed the determination of the inorganic composition (included the radioactive elements) with four fundamental purposes: (1) sediment dating, (2) establishment of the changes in chemical composition occurring during a meteorological natural process (3) evaluation of the quality of the peloid for its therapeutic use and (4) dose calculation to establish the radiological security. The analytical techniques employed were X-ray fluorescence (XRF), Low Background Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy (LBGS), Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA) and Particle-Induced X-ray Emission (PIXE).

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How to Cite
Suárez Muñoz, M., Díaz Rizo, O., González Hernández, P., Melián Rodríguez, C., Gelen Rudnikas, A., Díaz López, C., Pérez-Gramatges, A., Martínez-Villegas, N., Barros Cossio, J. de J., Badawy, W., Frontasieva, M., Isaac Olive, K., & Hernández Díaz, R. (2021). Integration of the nuclear analytical techniques for the characterization of Cuban peloids. Case of study: San Diego de los Baños. Nucleus, (69). Retrieved from
Panorama Nuclear


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