Thermoluminescent response of CaSO4:Eu,Ag detectors in 90Sr/90Y beta radiation beam

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Ivón Oramas Polo
Danilo Oliveira Junot
Patricia Nicolucci
Linda Caldas


The results of the thermoluminescent (TL) response of the CaSO4:Eu,Ag detectors in the 90Sr/90Y beams of the Beta Secondary Standard 2 system of the Calibration Laboratory of IPEN (LCI/IPEN) are presented. The thermoluminescent glow curves were obtained from doses between 30 mGy and 500 mGy. The detectors showed a good reproducibility of the thermoluminescent response.  The calculated calibration factor was (1.166 ± 0.024) x10-3mGy/a.u. and the factor determined by linear fitting was (1.120 ± 0.014) x10-3mGy/a.u., showing a difference of only 3.9%. The lower limit of detection was (4.96 ± 0.06) mGy. The detectors presentedan appropriate sensitivity for 90Sr/90Y beta radiation. Preliminary results showed suitable dosimetric characteristics for the establishment of a transfer system for beta radiation dosimetry of 90Sr/90Y beams.

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How to Cite
Oramas Polo, I., Oliveira Junot, D., Nicolucci, P., & Caldas, L. (2021). Thermoluminescent response of CaSO4:Eu,Ag detectors in 90Sr/90Y beta radiation beam. Nucleus, (68). Retrieved from
Ciencias Nucleares


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