Matching between prospective and reactive methods for risk analysis in ionizing radiation medicine

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Zayda Amador Balbona
Antonio Torres Valle
Marina Arias Fresneda


The most useful prospective methods to risk analysis in ionizing radiation medicine are the risk matrix and the failure mode and effect analysis. In another hand, at the world level developed various systems for reactive risk analysis, for example ROSIS, SAFRON and ARIR. In the research will follow to development and use an integration methodology of these methods. This approach was introduced in the Cuban code SECURE MR-FMEA version 3.0. A specific taxonomy for the incident data base (IDB) coupled with the code was developed and it was created the correspondence analysis of studied models for radiotherapy for allows the selection by expert criteria. The result of this matching allows the validation of the risk patterns by risk matrix or FMEA approach, through the coverage or representative studies in the incident data base. The most representative risk patterns in the incident data base are the linear accelerator and cobalt therapy. The comparison between the results of the investigation and other similar studies are available in the paper. The IDB incorporated de radionuclide therapy and transport of radioactive materials events.This research facilitates the decision-making in improvements of safety and culture in the ionizing radiation medicine.

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How to Cite
Amador Balbona, Z., Torres Valle, A., & Arias Fresneda, M. (1). Matching between prospective and reactive methods for risk analysis in ionizing radiation medicine. Nucleus, (67). Retrieved from
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