LUCID-2 Detector: The ATLAS Luminometer

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Grazia Cabras


After the long shut-down, the LHC Run2 has started with new running conditions with respect to Run1: in particular the centre of mass energy has reached 13 TeV and the bunch-spacing is now 25 ns. In order to cope with these changes, the ATLAS luminosity monitor LUCID and its electronics have been completely rebuilt. This note describes the new detector and electronics, the new luminosity algorithms and the new calibration systems, with a brief review of the first results about the stability of the measurement and evaluation of systematic uncertainties for the 2015 data.

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How to Cite
Cabras, G. (2019). LUCID-2 Detector: The ATLAS Luminometer. Nucleus, (64). Retrieved from
Ciencias Nucleares


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