?<sup>+</sup> decay properties of A=100 isobars

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Fatima Benrachi
Benrachi Nadjet


The estimation of spectroscopic properties of neutron-deficient nuclei in the A=100 tin mass region is needed for the understanding of the rp-process path and the experimental exploration of the nuclear landscape. In order to evaluate some spectroscopic properties of the Gamow-Teller ?+ decay of neutron deficient isobars of A=100, we have performed shell model calculations by means of Oxbash nuclear structure code. The jj45pn valence space used consists of nine proton and neutron orbitals. The calculations included few valence hole-proton and particle-neutronin ? g9/2 and vg7/2 orbitals respectively, in 100Sn doubly magic core. Effective interaction deduced from CD-Bonn one is introduced taking into account the nuclear monopole effect in this mass region. The results are then compared with the available experimental data.

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How to Cite
Benrachi, F., & Nadjet, B. (2019). ?<sup>+</sup&gt; decay properties of A=100 isobars. Nucleus, (63), 41-44. Retrieved from http://nucleus.cubaenergia.cu/index.php/nucleus/article/view/645
Ciencias Nucleares


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