Dynamic risk monitoring using risk matrix in medical practices with ionizing radiations

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Antonio Torres Valle
José de Jesús Rivero Oliva


The techniques of risk control at the moment available they don't satisfy the necessary speed to the surveillance of the effects from the equipment failures and human errors during practical of radiotherapy. The methodology proposed in this paper integrates databases on possible accident sequences in medical practices using ionizing radiation with a tool for dynamic updating of operational conditions risk variables. An immediate result of the analysis is the knowledge of the new scenarios of danger, under any combination of unavailability to the risk, based on multiple study capacities and mimics for the processes and sequences. These capacities guarantee the instantaneous risk monitoring for any state of the studied scenarios.

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How to Cite
Torres Valle, A., & Rivero Oliva, J. de J. (1). Dynamic risk monitoring using risk matrix in medical practices with ionizing radiations. Nucleus, (59). Retrieved from http://nucleus.cubaenergia.cu/index.php/nucleus/article/view/622
Ciencias Nucleares


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