Applications of nuclear techniques in agronomy as a contribution to the integral formation of agronomical engineers

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Mónica Núñez Meireles
Asiel Hernández Martínez
Miguel Enrique Charbonet Martell


Nowadays, nuclear research applied to agriculture and food is a reality, and is being supported by institutions like the International Atomic Energy Agency and the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization. Stable and radioactive isotopes are used in different ways in agricultural research mainly in the determination of required conditions to optimize efficiency in the use of fertilizers and water, the development of high yield agricultural and horticultural varieties , reduction of diseases due to contaminated food, and soil erosion studies among others. Accordingly to the study carried out, there is not much knowledge about nuclear phenomena applied to agronomy. Nevertheless there is a positive criterion about the introduction of these topics in Agronomical Engineers education, by meansof implementing an optional subject, aimed at explaining different actions though respecting the professional model, in the field of nuclear techniques in Agriculture. Moreover, it is also proposed to include in laboratory practices the curriculum of these subjects, by using nuclear techniques, showing their proper linkage with Agronomy.

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How to Cite
Núñez Meireles, M., Hernández Martínez, A., & Charbonet Martell, M. E. (1). Applications of nuclear techniques in agronomy as a contribution to the integral formation of agronomical engineers. Nucleus, (59). Retrieved from
Panorama Nuclear


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