Extraction of eluted from the / generator using different formulations of TBP-TOA/cyclohexane as solvent mixture

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Judith Domínguez Catasús
Martha Sahylí Ortega Pijeira
Ernesto Martínez Báez


The development of radioisotope generators for industrial use, and of radiotracers from those already existing as that of /, has been strengthened in the last 10 years like an attractive option to solve the difficulties in guaranteeing the availability of radiotracers for application in the industry. Extraction with the mixture 30 % TBP-16 % TOA/cyclohexane has been successfully used to adapt the , eluted from / generator, as an organic fluid radiotracer. This work presents an optimization study of volumetric composition of this mixture, to guide the extraction process towards the best cost benefit relation according to necessary activity at a given application. Based on experimental results, a model that predicts extraction yield (R %) as a dependent variable of TOA and TBP volumetric concentrations was established, for 3.1 MBq of . Moreover, the outcomes show that even when TBP volumetric concentration decreases from 30 to 1 % and TOA concentration, from 16 to 0.3 %, the extraction yield was 96.44 ± 0.21%.

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How to Cite
Domínguez Catasús, J., Ortega Pijeira, M. S., & Martínez Báez, E. (1). Extraction of eluted from the / generator using different formulations of TBP-TOA/cyclohexane as solvent mixture. Nucleus, (55). Retrieved from http://nucleus.cubaenergia.cu/index.php/nucleus/article/view/588
Ciencias Nucleares


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