Reference inventory for the soils erosion studies in Cienfuegos, Cuba

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Rita Y. Sibello Hernández
José Manuel Febles González
Alicia L. Toledo Sibello
Roberto Suárez Surí


For the successful application of the technique in soil erosion studies, it is necessary to establish the reference inventory correctly as it represents the total entrance of this radionuclide into the earth’s surface. In this sense, a site that has not been perturbed neither for the erosion nor for the deposit, is selected as reference site. In practice to find such sites is usually difficult. The objective of this research was to establish the reference inventory of for the studied localities of Cienfuegos province. It was established that the confidence interval at 90% of probability of the reference inventory is [1082; 1266] , and the variation coefficient of the reference inventory in the researched localities was of 11%. These values are in correspondence with those reported by other authors for similar places. Also the lineal dependence between the inventories of and the historical averages of the precipitations was determined, with a correlation coefficient of 0.94. This lineal function will be able to be used to obtain or to confirm the reference inventories from rainfall data.

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How to Cite
Sibello Hernández, R. Y., Febles González, J. M., Toledo Sibello, A. L., & Suárez Surí, R. (1). Reference inventory for the soils erosion studies in Cienfuegos, Cuba. Nucleus, (54). Retrieved from
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