Soil erosion studies in protected areas of Cienfuegos, using cesium 137 as radiotracer

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Rita Y. Sibello Hernández
José M. Febles González


The large-scale nuclear explosions as a result of nuclear weapons tests or nuclear accidents are the main causes of/for the great dispersion of artificial radionuclides all over the world. One of these radionuclides is cesium-137, which is strongly fixed to the fine soils particles. This fact, together with its half-life of 30 years and its easy detection by gamma spectrometry have turned cesium 137, in a good radiotracer of soil movement. This technique has been widely used and validated in different landscapes throughout the world. Its effectiveness was also previously validated and proved in Cienfuegos province as well. This research was aimed at using the cesium-137 technique to study soil redistribution and quantify erosion in the so called Protected Areas in Cienfuegos province, where soil loss and sediment transport are the main causes of deterioration of these ecosystems with the consequent economic and / or environmental losses. The results were represented in a map using the gvSIG software by kriging, thus achieving greater visibility of the soil redistribution in the studied plot. The methodology used in this study could be used in other places wherever the magnitude of erosion problemsas well as knowing the soil redistribution plot pattern in the landscape are necessary and very useful to elaborate plans for rearrangement in land use management.

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How to Cite
Sibello Hernández, R. Y., & Febles González, J. M. (1). Soil erosion studies in protected areas of Cienfuegos, using cesium 137 as radiotracer. Nucleus, (50). Retrieved from
Ciencias Nucleares


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