Radiation damage study in CZT matrix detectors exposed to gamma rays

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Antonio Leyva Fabelo
Olga Dona Lemus
Angelina Díaz García
Luis Manuel Montaño Zétina


Radiation damage in terms of atomic displacements in a typical CZT detector used in medical imaging applications was studied using the Monte Carlo statistical method. All detector structural and geometric features as well as different energies of the photons usually used in the application were taken into account. Considering the Mott-McKinley-Feshbach classical approach, effective cross sections of the displacements were calculated, including the number of displacements per atom for each atomic species present in the material and each photon energy considered. These results are analyzed and compared. Finally, the radiation damage on CZT detector is compared
to that calculated in a similar detector manufactured with other semiconducting materials.

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How to Cite
Leyva Fabelo, A., Dona Lemus, O., Díaz García, A., & Montaño Zétina, L. M. (1). Radiation damage study in CZT matrix detectors exposed to gamma rays. Nucleus, (45). Retrieved from http://nucleus.cubaenergia.cu/index.php/nucleus/article/view/521
Ciencias Nucleares


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