Methodology for validation and control of irradiation process in a self-shielding gamma irradiator

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Yeila Suárez Rodríguez
Enrique Francisco Prieto Miranda
Armando Chávez Ardanza
Gisela Barreras González


A methodology was developed for the validation and routine control of the irradiation process performed in a self-shielding gamma irradiator with 60Co sources. This methodology was applied to an irradiator model ISOGAMMA LLCo in order to ensure the proper operation of the equipment, efficiency of services provided and to consistently obtain, a product that meets the quality attributes and default specifications.

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How to Cite
Suárez Rodríguez, Y., Prieto Miranda, E. F., Chávez Ardanza, A., & Barreras González, G. (1). Methodology for validation and control of irradiation process in a self-shielding gamma irradiator. Nucleus, (61), 44-47. Retrieved from
Innovación Tecnológica


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