Risk analysis applied to the production of generators of Molybdenum-99/Technetium-99m

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Daniel Rodríguez López
Antonio Torres Valle
Miguel Antonio Soria Guevara
Fernando Enrique Ayra Pardo


Technetium-99m is the most commonly used radionuclide in the field of nuclear medicine. The National Center for Nuclear Safety (NCNS), as the regulatory body of Cuba, requires the carrying out of risk analysis for facilities with associated radiological hazard potential and, preferably, that these analyzes be performed using the risk matrix method. Although there are several qualitative or quantitative methods to perform these studies, the existence of basis risk starting and analysis codes and simplicity of use has been privileged the risk matrix as a predominant semi-quantitative method. The paper presents the results of the application of this method for the evaluation of the risks associated with the production of Molybdenum-99/Technetium-99m generators, which is carried out at the Isotope Center (Centis). Using the SECURE – MR Ver. 2.0 code a detailed risk analysis of its practice was carried out. Three accidental sequences of high-level risks were identified and the importance of barriers and reducers related to human factors associated to sufficiency and staff training was determined. Among the derived applications novel analysis capacities as well as risk monitoring possibilities are reported. The risk model developed for the production process of Molybdenum-99/Technetium-99m generators, joined with the ability to review, analyze and all the documentation provided by the tool, allow obtaining a completely and coherent document with the model, which constitutes an effective basis the safety of the facility. risk assessment, radioisotope generators, molybdenum 99, technetium 99, safety

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How to Cite
Rodríguez López, D., Torres Valle, A., Soria Guevara, M. A., & Ayra Pardo, F. E. (1). Risk analysis applied to the production of generators of Molybdenum-99/Technetium-99m. Nucleus, (61), 26-31. Retrieved from http://nucleus.cubaenergia.cu/index.php/nucleus/article/view/15
Ciencias Nucleares


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