To publish manuscripts on nucleus…
Devoted to Nuclear Science and Technological Innovation.
Original papers should not exceed 10 pages (one column) including tables (up to 5) and illustrations (up to 5). Papers shall be either sent by email, in Word format, Arial 12th size font with 1,5 line spacing, or shall be directly delivered to the Editorial Department of the journal in an electronic medium. There is a maximum of 30 lines per page.
Papers shall have the following order: Summary (in English and Spanish) Introduction, Materials and methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, Recommendations (optional), Acknowledgements (optional) and Bibliographic References. These sections should be well defined, though not necessarily with headlines.
All papers shall include a letter signed by the corresponding author(s), stating that 1) the paper has not been previously sent to other publishers, 2) authors agree to publish it as it is and 3) authors meet the criteria for authorship.
Author(s): Specify full name(s) and surname(s) as well as the institution.
Title: It should be both in English and Spanish and should not exceed 120 characters, or 20 words, nor include acronyms, abbreviations, chemical formulas or registered names (instead of generic names). Exceptionally, including acronyms of general use in Scientific and technical literature shall be accepted.
Abstract: It should not exceed 250 words, nor should contain acronyms, abbreviations or references. It should indicate the main objectives and scope of the research, describe the used methods, summarize the results and state the main conclusions. It should be written impersonally, in past tense in both Spanish and English.
The document content will be based on 3 to 10 key words at the bottom of the abstract, arranged in order of importance, both in Spanish and in English at the bottom of the corresponding abstract in each language. INIS shall include its appropriate descriptor index(es) in each paper.
Introduction: Explain the nature and scope of the research as clearly as possible, review relevant literature; indicate the research methods, if necessary; mention the main research results and state the conclusion or main conclusions drawn by the results.
Materials and methods: Most of this section should be written in past tense and full details shall be provided. The main purpose is to make a description and reproduce the results. The materials should include technical specifications, the exact quantities used, as well as the source or preparation method. Generic or chemical names should be used.
Results: A broad, clear and simple description of experiments should be made, providing an overview but without repeating the details on the materials and methods used in the experiments. The most representative data should be provided. The statement should be written in the past tense.
Discussion: Principles, relationships and generalizations from the results must be set out. Exceptions of lack of correlation should be noted, and unresolved issues should be identified. It is important to show how consistent (or not) are the results and interpretations with previously published papers. The theoretical implications of the work and its possible practical applications should be stated. Evidence supporting each conclusion should be summarized. Present and past tenses are to be used.
Conclusions: It should be made as clear as possible. Bibliographic references shall not be included.
Recommendations (optional): Only options considered to provide a sound basis to support the topic of the article and feasible to be implemented shall be included.
Acknowledgements(optional): Include acknowledgements for any major technical assistance received from any person who has contributed to the review and submission of a paper, experiment or provision of equipment, special materials, etc.
Bibliographic References: All consulted documents must be listed under this heading. Footnotes are not to be used. Only important and recently published papers should be included by priority order.
Manuscripts should not exceed 20 quotations, revisions – from 25 to 50. All parts of each reference listing should be checked against the original before submitting the article. The references in the text should be numbered with Arabic numerals in square brackets in their corresponding place in the paper and following a consecutive order of appearance. References with all its required data i.e. last name, name of author(s), title, journal title, year, volume (number): initial page – final page are to be included after the Conclusions or Acknowledgments in case there are some of the latter. If there are 5 or more authors, only the first 4 should be mentioned, followed by “et al.” The titles of journals must conform to the INIS System (see IAEA-INIS-11).
Two bibliographic references of journals are included here below as examples:
[12] Hillegonds DJ, Franklin S, Shelton DK, Vijayakumar S, Vijayakumar V. The Management of Painful Bone Metastases with an Emphasis on Radionuclide Therapy. J. Natl. Med. Assoc. 2007; (99): 785-794.
[24] Srivastava SC. Treatment of join and bone pain with electron emitting radiopharmaceuticals. Indian J. Nucl. Med. 2004; 19(3): 89-97.
References to articles published in internet should include:
The authors (4 as maximum, et al). Title of the article. Abbreviation of the journal. Year; Volume (Number): pages. Available in: the article’s webpage. As for example:
[17] GUPTA M, CHOUDHURY PS. Systemic radionuclide therapy for bone pain palliation in cancer patients. Cancer News. 2014, (consulted on June 20th 2016). 18(2): 12-14. Available in:
Abbreviations, acronyms and symbols: should be those internationally accepted. The abbreviations and acronyms should be explained the first time mentioned. Symbols and Greek characters should be clearly defined, as well as subscripts and superscripts.
Tables: should be ordered with Arabic numerals and should be included at the end of the paper. At the end of a table’s heading no period is to be used
Figures: The terms, abbreviations and symbols used in the Figures should be the same of the text. Do not use characters or uncommon symbols (blank or filled in triangles, circles or squares are preferred). If they are too complex, they must be specified in a concise caption. Symbols and characters must be clear and readable when reduced in size.
Whenever it is confirmed that the journal to be published shall include a printed version, in order to differentiate the various curves included in a single figure, different types of characters and not colours shall be used.
Equations and formulas: mathematical equations should be written accurately, especially subscripts and superscript. Avoid using complex exponents and repetition of elaborate expressions.
The meaning of symbols is explained below the equations. To describe symbols a colon is used. [ : ]
e: Space travelled
v: Speed
t: Time
The product of two or more units in the form of symbols is indicated by a cross (x) as a sign of multiplication.
N x m (Newton meter)
T x km (tonnes)
In the division of units expressed in symbols, a colon [:], a slash or slant [/]or negative exponents are to be used.
km / m,
km x h-1
In chemical formulas the bonds must be centered and as close as possible to the bonded atoms.
Units: As a general rule, the International System of Units must be used and inadequate symbols and abbreviations must be avoided.
Writing numbers
1. Whole numbers with more than three digits are written in groups of three, from right to left, leaving a space between them. Exceptions to the preceding rule are telex numbers, telephones, house numbers in addresses, pages, years, laws, decrees, resolutions and patents
2. In decimal numbering, a comma (,) is used to separate whole numbers and its decimal portion. The whole number is written in groups of three digits, from right to left, from the comma, separated from each other, by a space. The decimal portion is also written in groups of three digits, from left to right, from the comma.
3. When numbers are written next to each other, they are separated by semicolons (;) if they are decimals, and by commas (,) if all the numbers mentioned are whole.
4. After any numeric value, the symbols are written leaving a space between that value and the first letter of the symbol. Examples: 15 %, 10 OC.
Publications in OTHER SECTIONS
The articles in other sections of the journal should be aimed at disseminating, with scientific rigor and in a way accessible to the public in general, issues related to nuclear energy, the different applications of nuclear technology, nuclear safety, radiation protection, safeguards and non proliferation. Papers should not exceed 10 pages, including illustrations and tables. They should contain an abstract and title in English and Spanish. The title, tables and illustrations shall follow the same directions applied to papers from the Nuclear Science and Technological Innovation Section. The sections are:
The articles in these sections are subject to the approval of the Editorial Board. Considering the editorial board suggestions, the articles could be also submitted to arbitration.
The journal is only to be published in electronic format, except in case the publication of a printed version of the journal is previously confirmed by its Editorial Board. Nucleus is a peer-reviewed journal, approved by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment of Cuba, which officially certifies its scientific and technological character, and contributes to its recognition as a journal equivalent to other international publications.
The authors shall be duly informed about the editorial process of their papers, in particular, about the approval or not by its Editorial Board of the papers to be published.
Whenever the journal is published in a printed version, the authors shall receive free of charge two copies of the journal in which the paper in question is published.
Nucleus Editorial Dept.
Calle 20 No. 411 e/ 41 y 47, Miramar, Playa, CP 11300, Havana, Cuba;
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