Radiofármacos en radiosinoviortesis
Contenido principal del artículo
La radiosinoviortesis es un procedimiento de radioterapia metabólica consistente en la inyección intrarticular de radiofármacos con radionúclidos emisores beta para el tratamiento de la sinovitis crónica, manifestación frecuente de artritis reumatoide, hemofilia y otras enfermedades sistémicas. De uso regular en Europa, EE.UU. y algunos países de América Latina, se caracteriza por su eficacia, seguridad y bajo costo relativo. Los productos comerciales existentes se basan en , , y , aunque se investiga el uso de , entre otros radionúclidos. En Cuba se encuentra en ensayo una suspensión de fosfato de cromo (III) marcada con , que reúne las condiciones para resultar eficaz y segura en la práctica.
Detalles del artículo
Cómo citar
Cruz Arencibia, J., García Rodríguez, E., & Sagarra Veranes, M. (1). Radiofármacos en radiosinoviortesis. Nucleus, (47). Recuperado a partir de
Panorama Nuclear

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[2] REVELLES FJ, ZABALA M, O'VALLE F, et al. Estructura e Inmunología de la sinovial humana normal. IV Congreso Virtual Hispanoamericano de Anatomía Patológica. IV-CVHAP 2001 PÓSTER-E –093. 2001.
[3] SIEGEL H, LUCK JVJr, SIEGEL ME. Advances in Radionuclide Therapeutics in Orthopaedics. J. Am. Acad. Orthop. Surg. 2004; 12(1): 55-64.
[4] O’MAHONY B. Global haemophilia care challenge and opportunities. Plenary presentation at the XXV
International Congress of the World Federation of Hemophilia. Seville, Spain. May 20, 2002.
[5] Hemophilia 2008 World Congress June 1-5, Istanbul, Turkey. (Bloodline supplement).
[6] SILVA M, LUCK JV, LLINÁS A. Sinovitis hemofílica crónica: El papel de la radiosinovectomía. El tratamiento de la Hemofilia monografía No. 33. Federación Mundial de Hemofilia, abril 2004.
[7] PRABHAKAR G , SACHDEV SS, SIVAPRASAD N. Radiation synovectomy (RS), an effective radiotherapy using radiopharmaceuticals for the treatment of inflammatory joint disorders. Pharma Times. 2009; 41(6).
[8] KAMPEN WU, VOTH M, PINKERT J, KRAUSE A. Therapeutic status of radiosynoviorthesis of the knee with Yttrium [Y-90] colloid in rheumatoid arthritis and related indications. Rheumatology. 2007; 46(1):16-24.
[9] FERNÁNDEZ-PALAZZI F, RIVAS S, VISO R, et al. Synovectomy with rifampicine in haemophilic haemarthrosis. Haemophilia. 2000; 6(5): 562-565.
[10] Rivard GÉ, Chemical synovectomy in haemophilia: status and challenges Haemophilia. 2002; 7(2): 16-19.
[11] FISCHER M, MODDER G. Radionuclide therapy of inflammatory joint diseases. Nucl. Med. Commun. 2002; 23(9): 829-831.
[12] SCHNEIDER P, FARAHATI J, REINERS C. Radiosynovectomy in Rheumatology, Orthopedics and Hemophilia. J. Nucl. Med. 2005; 46(suppl. 1): 48S–54S.
[13] KAMPEN WU, BRENNER W, CZECH N, HENZE H. Intraarticular Application of Unsealed Beta-Emitting
Radionuclides in the Treatment Course of Inflammatory Joint Diseases. Curr. Med. Chem. Anti-Inflammatory & Anti-Allergy Agents. 2002; 1: 77-87.
[14] DAS BK, MOEDDER G, PRADHAN PK, SHUKLA AK. Concept of Radiosynovectomy. A Novel Approach in the Treatment of Joint Disorders. Int. J. Nucl. Med. 2004: 19(1): 1-5.
[15] WINSTON MA, BLUESTONE R, CRACHIOLLOI A, BLAHD H. Radioisotope Synovectomy with 32 P Chromic Phosphate-Kinetic Studies. J. Nucl. Med. 1973; 14(12): 886-889.
[16] GUMPEL JM, MATTHEWS SA, FISHER M. Synoviorthesis with Erbium-169: A Double-blind
Controlled Comparison of Erbium-169 with Corticosteroid. Ann. Rheum. Dis. 1979; 38(4): 341-343.
[17] JOHNSON LS, YANCH JC. Absorbed dose profiles for radionuclides of frequent use in radiation
synovectomy. Arthritis and Rheum. 1991; 34(12): 1521-1530.
[18] JOHNSON LS, YANCH JC, SHORTKROFF S, et al. Beta-Particle Dosimetry in Radiation Synovectomy.
Eur. J. Nucl. Med. 1995: 22 (9): 977-988.
[19] SAVIO E, URES MC, ZELEDÓN P, et al. 188Re Radiopharmaceuticals for Radiosynovectomy: Evaluation and Comparison of Tin Colloid, Hydroxyapatite and Tin-Ferric Hydroxide Macroaggregates. BMC Nuclear Medicine. 2004;
4(1): 1.
[20] RIVARD GE, GIRARD M, BÉLANGER R, et. al.Synoviorthesis with Colloidal ³²P Chromic Phosphate
for the Treatment of Hemophilic Arthropathy. J. Bone Joint Surg. 1994; 76: 482-8.
[21] SILVA M, LUCK JVJr, SIEGEL E. 32P Chromic Phosphate Radiosinovectomy for Chronic Haemophilic Synovitis. Haemophilia. 2001; 7(suppl.2): 40-49.
[22] SOROA VE, HUERTO M del, GIANNONNE C, et al. Effects of Radiosynovectomy with P-32 Colloid
Therapy in Hemophilia and Rheumatoid Arthritis. Cancer Bioth & Radiopharm. 2005; 20(3): 344-348.
[23] NOBLE J, JONES AG, DAVIS MA, et al. Leakage of Radioactive Particle Systems from a Synovial Joint
Studied with a Gamma Camera. Its Application to Radiation Synovectomy. J. Bone Joint Surg. Am.
1983; 65(3): 381-389.
[24] PANDEY U, MUKHEJEE A, CHAUDHARY PR, et al. Preparation and studies with 90 Y. Appl. Radiat. Isot.
2001; 55(4): 471-475.
[25] VAN DER ZANT FM, JAHANGIER ZN, GOMMANS GMM, et al. Radiation synovectomy of the upper
extremity joints: does leakage from the joint to nontarget organs impair its therapeutic effect?. Appl
Radiat Isot. 2007; 65(6): 649-55.
[26] FERNÁNDEZ-PALAZZI F, CAVIGLIA H. On the Safety of Synoviorthesis in Haemophilia. Haemophilia.
2001; 7(suppl. 2): 50-53.
[27] VOTH M, KLETT R, LENGSFELD P, et al. Biological dosimetry after Y-90 citrate radiosynoviorthesis.
Nuklearmedizin. 2006; 45(5): 223-8.
[28] TURKMEN C, OZTURK S, UNAL SN, et al. The Genotoxic Effects in Lymphocyte Cultures of Children Treated with Radiosynovectomy by Using Yttrium-90 Citrate Colloid. Cancer Biotherapy & Radiopharmaceuticals. 2007; 22(3): 393-399.
[29] DUNN AL, BUSCH MT, WYLY JB, et al. Radionuclide Synovectomy for Hemophilic Arthropathy: A Comprehensive Review of Safety and Efficacy and Recommendation for a Standardized Treatment Protocol. J. Thromb. Haemost. 2002; 87(3): 383–393.
[30] CLUNIE G, ELL PJ. A Survey of Radiation Synovectomy in Europe, 1991-1993. Eur. J. Nucl. Med. 1995; 22(9): 970-976.
[31] EANM Procedure Guidelines for Radiosynovectomy. 2003.
[32] KRESNIK E, MIKOSCH P, GALLOWITSCH HJ, et al. Clinical Outcome of Radiosynoviorthesis: a meta-
Analysis Including 2190 treated joints. Nucl. Med. Commun. 2002; 23(7): 683-688.
[33] CRUZ J, MORÍN J, CRUZ A, et al. Evaluación del Fosfato de Cromo (III) como matriz de suspensiones
radiofarmacéuticas. 21 Congreso de ALASBIMN. 2-6 dic., 2007. Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia.
[2] REVELLES FJ, ZABALA M, O'VALLE F, et al. Estructura e Inmunología de la sinovial humana normal. IV Congreso Virtual Hispanoamericano de Anatomía Patológica. IV-CVHAP 2001 PÓSTER-E –093. 2001.
[3] SIEGEL H, LUCK JVJr, SIEGEL ME. Advances in Radionuclide Therapeutics in Orthopaedics. J. Am. Acad. Orthop. Surg. 2004; 12(1): 55-64.
[4] O’MAHONY B. Global haemophilia care challenge and opportunities. Plenary presentation at the XXV
International Congress of the World Federation of Hemophilia. Seville, Spain. May 20, 2002.
[5] Hemophilia 2008 World Congress June 1-5, Istanbul, Turkey. (Bloodline supplement).
[6] SILVA M, LUCK JV, LLINÁS A. Sinovitis hemofílica crónica: El papel de la radiosinovectomía. El tratamiento de la Hemofilia monografía No. 33. Federación Mundial de Hemofilia, abril 2004.
[7] PRABHAKAR G , SACHDEV SS, SIVAPRASAD N. Radiation synovectomy (RS), an effective radiotherapy using radiopharmaceuticals for the treatment of inflammatory joint disorders. Pharma Times. 2009; 41(6).
[8] KAMPEN WU, VOTH M, PINKERT J, KRAUSE A. Therapeutic status of radiosynoviorthesis of the knee with Yttrium [Y-90] colloid in rheumatoid arthritis and related indications. Rheumatology. 2007; 46(1):16-24.
[9] FERNÁNDEZ-PALAZZI F, RIVAS S, VISO R, et al. Synovectomy with rifampicine in haemophilic haemarthrosis. Haemophilia. 2000; 6(5): 562-565.
[10] Rivard GÉ, Chemical synovectomy in haemophilia: status and challenges Haemophilia. 2002; 7(2): 16-19.
[11] FISCHER M, MODDER G. Radionuclide therapy of inflammatory joint diseases. Nucl. Med. Commun. 2002; 23(9): 829-831.
[12] SCHNEIDER P, FARAHATI J, REINERS C. Radiosynovectomy in Rheumatology, Orthopedics and Hemophilia. J. Nucl. Med. 2005; 46(suppl. 1): 48S–54S.
[13] KAMPEN WU, BRENNER W, CZECH N, HENZE H. Intraarticular Application of Unsealed Beta-Emitting
Radionuclides in the Treatment Course of Inflammatory Joint Diseases. Curr. Med. Chem. Anti-Inflammatory & Anti-Allergy Agents. 2002; 1: 77-87.
[14] DAS BK, MOEDDER G, PRADHAN PK, SHUKLA AK. Concept of Radiosynovectomy. A Novel Approach in the Treatment of Joint Disorders. Int. J. Nucl. Med. 2004: 19(1): 1-5.
[15] WINSTON MA, BLUESTONE R, CRACHIOLLOI A, BLAHD H. Radioisotope Synovectomy with 32 P Chromic Phosphate-Kinetic Studies. J. Nucl. Med. 1973; 14(12): 886-889.
[16] GUMPEL JM, MATTHEWS SA, FISHER M. Synoviorthesis with Erbium-169: A Double-blind
Controlled Comparison of Erbium-169 with Corticosteroid. Ann. Rheum. Dis. 1979; 38(4): 341-343.
[17] JOHNSON LS, YANCH JC. Absorbed dose profiles for radionuclides of frequent use in radiation
synovectomy. Arthritis and Rheum. 1991; 34(12): 1521-1530.
[18] JOHNSON LS, YANCH JC, SHORTKROFF S, et al. Beta-Particle Dosimetry in Radiation Synovectomy.
Eur. J. Nucl. Med. 1995: 22 (9): 977-988.
[19] SAVIO E, URES MC, ZELEDÓN P, et al. 188Re Radiopharmaceuticals for Radiosynovectomy: Evaluation and Comparison of Tin Colloid, Hydroxyapatite and Tin-Ferric Hydroxide Macroaggregates. BMC Nuclear Medicine. 2004;
4(1): 1.
[20] RIVARD GE, GIRARD M, BÉLANGER R, et. al.Synoviorthesis with Colloidal ³²P Chromic Phosphate
for the Treatment of Hemophilic Arthropathy. J. Bone Joint Surg. 1994; 76: 482-8.
[21] SILVA M, LUCK JVJr, SIEGEL E. 32P Chromic Phosphate Radiosinovectomy for Chronic Haemophilic Synovitis. Haemophilia. 2001; 7(suppl.2): 40-49.
[22] SOROA VE, HUERTO M del, GIANNONNE C, et al. Effects of Radiosynovectomy with P-32 Colloid
Therapy in Hemophilia and Rheumatoid Arthritis. Cancer Bioth & Radiopharm. 2005; 20(3): 344-348.
[23] NOBLE J, JONES AG, DAVIS MA, et al. Leakage of Radioactive Particle Systems from a Synovial Joint
Studied with a Gamma Camera. Its Application to Radiation Synovectomy. J. Bone Joint Surg. Am.
1983; 65(3): 381-389.
[24] PANDEY U, MUKHEJEE A, CHAUDHARY PR, et al. Preparation and studies with 90 Y. Appl. Radiat. Isot.
2001; 55(4): 471-475.
[25] VAN DER ZANT FM, JAHANGIER ZN, GOMMANS GMM, et al. Radiation synovectomy of the upper
extremity joints: does leakage from the joint to nontarget organs impair its therapeutic effect?. Appl
Radiat Isot. 2007; 65(6): 649-55.
[26] FERNÁNDEZ-PALAZZI F, CAVIGLIA H. On the Safety of Synoviorthesis in Haemophilia. Haemophilia.
2001; 7(suppl. 2): 50-53.
[27] VOTH M, KLETT R, LENGSFELD P, et al. Biological dosimetry after Y-90 citrate radiosynoviorthesis.
Nuklearmedizin. 2006; 45(5): 223-8.
[28] TURKMEN C, OZTURK S, UNAL SN, et al. The Genotoxic Effects in Lymphocyte Cultures of Children Treated with Radiosynovectomy by Using Yttrium-90 Citrate Colloid. Cancer Biotherapy & Radiopharmaceuticals. 2007; 22(3): 393-399.
[29] DUNN AL, BUSCH MT, WYLY JB, et al. Radionuclide Synovectomy for Hemophilic Arthropathy: A Comprehensive Review of Safety and Efficacy and Recommendation for a Standardized Treatment Protocol. J. Thromb. Haemost. 2002; 87(3): 383–393.
[30] CLUNIE G, ELL PJ. A Survey of Radiation Synovectomy in Europe, 1991-1993. Eur. J. Nucl. Med. 1995; 22(9): 970-976.
[31] EANM Procedure Guidelines for Radiosynovectomy. 2003.
[32] KRESNIK E, MIKOSCH P, GALLOWITSCH HJ, et al. Clinical Outcome of Radiosynoviorthesis: a meta-
Analysis Including 2190 treated joints. Nucl. Med. Commun. 2002; 23(7): 683-688.
[33] CRUZ J, MORÍN J, CRUZ A, et al. Evaluación del Fosfato de Cromo (III) como matriz de suspensiones
radiofarmacéuticas. 21 Congreso de ALASBIMN. 2-6 dic., 2007. Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia.